Thursday, April 19, 2007

Car crash!

René had an accident with the car! The most important thing is that René is fine... It wasn't very serious at all; just a small crash between our car and a cement pillar next to where the car is parked!
It will cost a couple of thousand rands but "that is why you have insurance" as someone pointed out.
In all fairness this type of thing could happen to anyone. Or? It is statistically proven that women are better drivers then men and that is why their insurance premiums are lower. However I did find this this article (in Swedish) claiming the opposite! The reason should be that men "drives" their car and women just use it as a means of transportation. I.e. men might take (stupid/calculated) risks but women are more likely to think about other things but driving the car! Perhaps it is dangerous to generalize in this way since the opposite behavior exist on both sides.
It is surprising how "few" accidents happens in the Cape Town traffic, if you think about how people drive; tailgating, speeding, overtaking on the inside, tailgating and speeding and overtaking on the inside all at the same time. And it is NOT only the taxis that does this... I think I need to investigate the train option more for getting to and from work.

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